If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything...
From 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tuesday, I participated in the annual Penn State Day of Silence. Let me tell you, as an EXTREMELY talkative person, this experience nearly killed me. Technically I did not stay silent for the entire day because my ridiculous Spanish professor called on me to read something in class. I couldn't say no because I need the points and he doesn't speak English well, so I knew he wouldn't understand. But I did not speak English at all for the eight hours. At first it was difficult, but then I adjusted. As sad as that sounds, I got used to being forced not to talk. And the day certainly provided me with the opportunity to reflect on the various forms of oppression in our society. Basically if you're not a straight, white man, you're screwed. And that got me thinking because I have a lot of straight, white male friends. Throughout the day I ran into a couple of them and I wondered if it ever becomes apparent to any of them how great they have it. I also wondered if any of them will actually use that power to positively promote social change. Hopefully they will, but I doubt it. Why give up something so good to help others? I guess maybe I'm just jaded. Or maybe I'm just a realist, who knows.
But onto more superficial things. By about hour six I had become adjusted to having to talk with my hands but my mouth and throat were aching, I suppose from lack of use. I also had a headache, which I attributed to all the words I would have said just hanging out in my head. I don't know, it made sense. In the end I'm glad I did it, even if I didn't change a damn thing. At least I took a stand. And as a wise person once said, if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything...