Monday, August 14, 2006

Two Words

I kinda like this one because I tend to be verbose most of the time but this forces me to be concise.

Complete the phrases with two words only!

The last person I dated: intelligent, caring (the person I'm with now, that is)
My best friend: fucking hilarious (Matt)
What I want to be when I grow up: career politician
High school: busy, interesting
Life: uncertain, exciting
Where I live: comfortable, safe

God: who knows
War: completely unnecessary
Love at first sight: not possible
Abortion: my uterus
The President: dumb shit

Best friends: Matt, Christina
Craziest: Christine, Sherry
Most organized: Elizabeth, Willis
Weirdest: Nancy, Matt B (but also hilarious)
Most fun: Matt, the girl
Best dressers: Rachel F, Lucy (anyone but Matt really)
Most athletic: Rachel B, Kyla
Smartest: Willis, Christina

TWO THINGS take with you on a deserted island: iPod, Razr never leave home without: cell, wallet never want to hear someone say: "we're done," "i hate you" have a weakness for: puppies, the girl :)
...that make you smile: the girl, Friends
...people say about you: outgoing, funny would never do: kill, cheat

...someone broke your heart?: move on needed to clear your mind?: walk, swim lost your job?: find another won the lottery?: invest, donate
...someone you cared about moved away?: go with gave a bad first impression?: try again

WHAT I LOOK FOR... a friend: honest, fun a boyfriend/girlfriend: humor, understanding a job: salary, enjoyment life: happiness, love

Monday, August 07, 2006

Crazy Things

So I found this post on Christine's MySpace and I was wondering if I am crazier than her. She scored 103...

Level 1:
(x) smoked a cigarette
(x) smoked a cigar
(x) done weed
(x) kissed a member of the same sex
(x) drank alcohol

This Total: 5
Sub Total: 5

Level 2:
(x) been in love
(x) been dumped
(x) shoplifted
( ) been fired
(x) been in a fist fight

This Total: 4
Sub Total: 9

Level 3:
(x) snuck out of a parent's house
(x) had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
( ) been arrested
(x) made out with a stranger
( ) gone out on a blind date

This Total: 3
Sub Total: 12

Level 4:
(x) had a crush on an older person
(x) skipped school
(x) slept with a co-worker
( ) seen someone/something die

This Total: 3
Sub Total: 15

Level 5:
(x) had/have a crush on one of your MySpace friends
( ) been to Paris
( ) been to Spain
(x) been on a plane

This Total: 2
Sub Total: 17

Level 6:
(x) eaten Sushi
( ) been snowboarding
( ) met someone BECAUSE of myspace
(x) been mosh pitting

This Total: 2
Sub Total: 19

Level 7:
( ) been in an abusive relationship
(x) taken pain killers
(x) love someone right now
(x) laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by
(x) made a snow angel

This Total: 4
Sub Total: 23

Level 8:
(x) had a tea party
( ) flown a kite
(x) built a sand castle
(x) gone puddle jumping
(x) played dress up

This Total: 4
Sub Total: 27

Level 9:
(x) jumped into a pile of leaves
(x) gone sledding
(x) cheated while playing a game
(x) been lonely
(x) fallen asleep at work/school

This Total: 5
Sub Total: 32

Level 10:
( ) used a fake/someone else's ID
(x) watched the sun set
( ) felt an earthquake
( ) killed a snake

This Total: 1
Sub Total: 33

Level 11:
(x) been tickled
( ) been robbed/ vandalized
(x) robbed someone
(x) been misunderstood
( ) pet a reindeer

This Total: 3
Sub Total: 36

Level 12:
(x) won a contest
( )been suspended from school
(x) had detention
(x) been in a car accident

This Total: 3
Sub Total: 39

Level 13:
(x) had/have braces
( ) eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night
(x) had Deja Vu
(x) danced in the moonlight

This Total: 3
Sub Total: 42

Level 14:
(x) hated the way you look
(x) witnessed a crime
(x) questioned your heart
(x) been obsessed with post-it notes

This Total: 4
Sub Total: 46

Level 15:
(x) squished barefoot through the mud
(x) been lost
( ) been around the world
(x) swam in the ocean
(x) felt like you were dying

This Total: 4
Sub Total: 50

Level 16:
(x) cried yourself to sleep
(x) played cops and robbers
(x) recently colored with crayons/colored pencils/markers
(x) sang karaoke
(x) paid for a meal with only coins

This Total:5
Sub Total: 55

Level 17:
(x) done something you told yourself you wouldn't
(x) made prank phone calls
(x) laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(x) kissed in the rain

This Total: 4
Sub Total: 59

Level 18:
(x) written a letter to Santa Claus
(x) been kissed under a mistletoe
(x) watched the sun set with someone you care/cared about
(x) blown bubbles
(x) made a bonfire on the beach

This Total: 5
Sub Total: 64

Level 19:
(x) crashed a party
(x) have traveled 5 days with a car full of people
(x) gone rollerskating/blading
(x) had a wish come true
( ) humped a monkey

This Total: 4
Sub Total: 68

Level 20:
( ) worn pearls
( ) jumped off a bridge
(x) screamed "penis" in the mall/school
(x) swam with dolphins -- coolest thing ever!

This Total: 2
Sub Total: 70

Level 22:
( ) got your tongue stuck to a pole/freezer/ice cube
(x) kissed a fish -- dolphin
(x) worn the opposite sexes clothes
(x) sat on a roof top

This Total: 3
Sub Total: 73

Level 23:
(x) screamed at the top of your lungs
(x) done/attempted a one-handed cartwheel
(x) talked on the phone for more than 6 hours
(x) stayed up all night

This Total: 4
Sub Total: 77

Level 24:
(x) picked and ate an apple right off the tree
(x) climbed a tree
(x) had/been in a tree house
(x) are scared to watch scary movies alone

This Total: 4
Sub Total: 81

Level 25:
(x) believe in ghosts
( ) have/had more then 30 pairs of shoes
(x) gone streaking
(x) been/visit in jail

This Total: 3
Sub Total: 84

Level 26:
(x) played chicken
(x) been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on
(x) been told you're hot by a complete stranger
( ) broken a bone
(x) been easily amused

This Total: 4
Sub Total: 88

Level 27:
( ) caught a fish then ate it
(x) made a video
(x) caught a butterfly
(x) laughed so hard you cried
(x) cried so hard you laughed

This Total: 4
Sub Total: 92

Level 28:
(x) mooned/flashed someone
(x) had someone moon/flash you
(x) cheated on a test
(x) forgotten someone's name
(x) slept naked
(x) French braided someones hair
(x) gone skinny dipping in a pool
( ) been kicked out of your house

This Total: 7
Sub Total: 99

Level 30:
(x) Rode a roller coaster
(x) went scuba-diving/snorkeling
(x) had a cavity
(x) Black-mailed someone
( ) been black mailed

This Total: 4
Sub Total: 103

Level 31:
(x) Been used
(x) fell going up the stairs
( ) licked a cat
(x) bitten someone
(x) licked someone

This Total: 4
Sub Total: 107
My Total: 107

I am four points crazier than Christine. Wow. Um. Not sure what to think of that...

The Last Stop

I'm back from an exciting and interesting trip to Randall's Island, NY to see Dave Matthews Band with Bela Fleck & the Flecktones and David Gray. Even though last year was brutal and we said we'd never go back, we did (much to Elizabeth's dismay). The show was great and the trip was great too, minus a small little parking glitch. We got to hear The Last Stop for the first time ever, and I stood about five feet away from Dave and took some awesome pictures. There was also a kickass fight between some people in our section and some security guards during "Can't Stop." It was awesome! I seriously can't wait to go back.

Dave Matthews talking about wanting to be Tony Robbins while introducing David Gray.


Pantala Naga Pampa
Say Goodbye
When the World Ends
So Much to Say
Too Much
Sleep to Dream Her
Break Free
Lie in Our Graves (Bela Fleck)
Last Stop
Can't Stop
Jimi Thing (Bela Fleck & the Flecktones)
Louisiana Bayou


Steady as We Go
Tripping Billies