Two Words
I kinda like this one because I tend to be verbose most of the time but this forces me to be concise.
Complete the phrases with two words only!
The last person I dated: intelligent, caring (the person I'm with now, that is)
My best friend: fucking hilarious (Matt)
What I want to be when I grow up: career politician
High school: busy, interesting
Life: uncertain, exciting
Where I live: comfortable, safe
God: who knows
War: completely unnecessary
Love at first sight: not possible
Abortion: my uterus
The President: dumb shit
Best friends: Matt, Christina
Craziest: Christine, Sherry
Most organized: Elizabeth, Willis
Weirdest: Nancy, Matt B (but also hilarious)
Most fun: Matt, the girl
Best dressers: Rachel F, Lucy (anyone but Matt really)
Most athletic: Rachel B, Kyla
Smartest: Willis, Christina
TWO THINGS take with you on a deserted island: iPod, Razr never leave home without: cell, wallet never want to hear someone say: "we're done," "i hate you" have a weakness for: puppies, the girl :)
...that make you smile: the girl, Friends
...people say about you: outgoing, funny would never do: kill, cheat
...someone broke your heart?: move on needed to clear your mind?: walk, swim lost your job?: find another won the lottery?: invest, donate
...someone you cared about moved away?: go with gave a bad first impression?: try again
WHAT I LOOK FOR... a friend: honest, fun a boyfriend/girlfriend: humor, understanding a job: salary, enjoyment life: happiness, love