That's So Gay!
But what does that mean? Each time I hear someone use this ridiculous expression, it takes all I have not to lash out at them. Now I wouldn't be lashing out in anger ... that really isn't my style. But I'd be lashing out in ignorance. What does this saying mean? Why do people say it? What do they mean? Honestly, I don't even think people who say it know what it means.
Like pretty much everyone else, I used to say "that's so gay" a lot of the time too. I said it, that is, until someone called me out on it. I was stunned. What did it mean, they asked. Well, I didn't really know. I knew that most use it to mean "that's so stupid," but then when did being gay equate to being stupid? Most of the gay people I know are smarter than most of the straight people I know, so that can't be right. If we're talking in terms of literal definitions, do we really mean to say, "that's so men who sleep with men!" I don't think that could make any less sense. What the hell are we saying by saying that? So what if we change it up a little bit and use some other words. Would we ever say, "that's so straight," "that's so black," or "that's so German?" If not, then why are we saying "that's so gay?" I mean it's all relative, right?
So it's not out of rage that I ask the question, but out of sheer curiosity. I'm sure that there is a chance I might actually start using this phrase again if someone can actually give me a logical answer as to what it means. But until then, when you say "that's so gay," watch out for my wrath.
you would be proud of my sister... at a house party saturday night, some of the guys were writing 'gay' comments and drawings on a white board in the beer pong room... My sister went to the host and said, some people in this room find your whiteboard offensive and if you don't erase it, I will.
.... And she did.... then she replaced it with a stick figure drawing of the Host's first day at work.
Yea Becca!!!! I've never been more proud. Way to take a stand!! Tell her I said hello, by the way. :)
ha ha, you have a blog. That's so gay.
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