I found this in Liz's blog and kinda liked it. Here ya go, folks.
A list of "Six Thing You Must Know About Me":
1. I have seen every episode of Friends at least five times. I quote the show ... a lot. It can get annoying, but I really can't stop.
2. I despise doing laundry. I'm really not sure why, it's just a pain in the ass to me.
3. I can say the alphabet backwards and am working on learning how to do the Rubik's Cube.
4. A lot of people assume, for whatever reason, that I rely on my parents, specifically my mom, to do everything for me. Although my mom still does a lot for me as a 22 year old, I am pretty self-sufficient.
5. I am secretly in LOVE with old school Madonna and rock out to The Immaculate Collection at every chance I get. "Borderline" for life!!
6. Going along with Liz's theme for the last one, I want to learn Spanish. I just wish I were better at it. (Sorry for those of you who saw the first version of this blog. I read Liz's wrong and thought she wanted to learn Irish for Rachel. My bad).
And there you have that extra-special glimpse into my life.
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